Gross Insurance Company continues to maintain its leading position on the insurance market of Uzbekistan and once again proves its financial reliability in the domestic and world market. The company marked this event with a grand event, which took place on February 27th in one of the largest world hotels Hilton. The meeting was held in the format of a round table, the results of 2020 were summed up and grand plans for the current year in the context of the results achieved were discussed at length.
The past year was a real test of strength, which the company successfully overcame thanks to the correctly built strategy. Gross Insurance in a short period of time was able to revise its approach to work, try new directions of business development and discard ineffective options. This year the company has grandiose plans, a huge reorganization is taking place and it is planned to introduce a new product that has no analogs at the moment. Gross Insurance - the undisputed leader in the implementation of innovative services for clients, as evidenced by the nomination "Best Online Insurance Company in Uzbekistan" and "Best Insurance Company of Uzbekistan in Travel" by International Financial Times Global Banking & Finance Review in 2020. The company plans not only to keep these titles but also is ready to take them to a qualitatively new level.
Financial indicators for the past year show positive dynamics of the company. During the reporting period, it was concluded 623 thousand new contracts, paid 49 billion insurance compensations, and accepted obligations for 264 trillion soums. Gross Insurance shared serious plans for this year and detailed its priorities, new principles, and mechanisms for each department - all this is a necessary step to move to a new level of work and create a new brand in the insurance business.
During the 9 years of company work, good traditions have appeared; for example, a symbolic flag of Gross Insurance is annually presented to the best branch; this year it was given to Israilov Mansur, director of Gross Insurance central operating branch.
"We are constantly looking for ways to make our interaction with clients even more efficient, service under our insurance policies more comfortable, and prices more affordable. "The best advertising is quality service" - this is the rule we adhere to at every stage of working with people, from the first call to our 24-hour call - center to organizing help in extreme situations. Thus I was pleased to receive our symbolic flag this year, proof that every decision we made was correct. I especially want to emphasize the fact that we are at the stage of great changes and I am proud to be a part of it" - commented Israilov Mansur, Director of Gross Insurance Central Operations Branch.
Being a successful company nowadays is not an accident. It means having a well-thought-out strategy, following principles, and adapting to new trends, and creating them. The company has chosen its own unique development method, which is inextricably linked with clients, partners, employees, professionalism, and trust.