Список партнеров и клиентов компании Gross Insurance

Забыли карточку дома? Не проблема! Теперь чтобы оплатить услуги страхования Gross Insurance или купить страховой полис, достаточно установить на телефоне мобильное приложение Uzum Bank. Выберите интересующую вас программу страхования, заполните необходимые данные и произведите оплату. Вы получите электронный полис онлайн в формате PDF.

Humans have become increasingly popular, and we have not lost sight of it, and we have joined forces. Now you can buy the insurance policy of our company by using the application Humans. Pay our services via and get cashback! Follow the wave with us!

We are giving new opportunities to Beeline subscribers and Beeline club 2.0 members. App users not only get a discount on the purchase of car insurance, property, travel, and family health insurance but can also pay for them using the Beepul app.
Feel like a special Gross Insurance customer with BEELINE
The future has arrived today, now buying a policy in installments has become real! Buy Gross policies at all points of sale and information kiosks Paynet.

Don't forget, now when you buy your airline tickets through Payfly, you can insure yourself during your trip, your luggage, loss of documents, trip cancellation, or yourself against non-departure. Gross works for your peace of mind!

AKFAMEDLINE – надежный партнер для клиентов Gross
Страховая компания Gross сотрудничает с AKFAMEDLINE, чтобы обеспечить своим клиентам доступ к высококачественным медицинским услугам. Оформите полис Gross с медицинским покрытием и воспользуйтесь профессиональной помощью специалистов AKFAMEDLINE.
Ваше здоровье – наша забота!
"ENTER Engineering was founded in 2012. The company specializes in the construction of industrial and technological facilities of various complexity. Using its extensive experience in the oil and gas industry, ENTER Engineering implements EPC contracts and performs the entire range of turnkey construction work.
www.ent-en.uzPSCB "ORIENT FINANCE" - we have been working in Uzbekistan since 2010 and we invest our experience and energy in creating a high-quality service that causes respect and loyalty of people and companies for many years.
www.ofb.uzLUKOIL operates on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on production sharing agreements (PSAs) for the Kandym-Khauzak-Shady and South-Western Hissar projects. The project operator is LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company LLC (LUOC) with its head office in Tashkent. The National Holding Company "Uzbekneftegaz" is a strategic partner in the projects.
www.lukoil-international.uzUnitel was founded in 1996. The commercial activity of the company began on September 25, 1997. Since 12 September 2006, Unitel LLC provides services under the brand name Beeline. Currently, Beeline is the largest telecommunications operator in Uzbekistan. At the end of 2017, the company's subscriber base is close to the 10 million marks.
www.beeline.uzHyundai Auto Asia LLC was founded in 2017 and is the exclusive official distributor of Hyundai cars in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
UMS LLC is a telecommunications company providing mobile communication services throughout the Republic of Uzbekistan since December 1, 2014.
UZ TRUCK AND BUS MOTORS LLC is a MAN and Sinotruk heavy trucks and passenger vehicles manufacturer in the Central Asian region. The company was founded in August 2009 and is located in the Samarkand region.