GROSS INSURANCE LLC prepared a charity event dedicated to Children's Day “Hurry to do good!”

As part of this campaign, 25% of the funds raised from the sale of BOLAJONIM insurance policies will be directed to charity for needy children.
For many years, starting from 1950, June 1 is the International Children's Day. Perhaps a little good deed will help us remember that every child needs protection and support, care and attention.
People of Uzbekistan, whose mentality has developed over the centuries, have one wonderful feature: we do not divide children into friends and foes, into rich and poor. Every child should be healthy, fed, not deprived of attention, protected from psychological and physical violence.
GROSS INSURANCE LLC during its existence organized a number of large-scale charity events. In September 2019, the fourth Charity Mini-Football Tournament was organized jointly with the Mehrli Qullar Center for Children with Disabilities, which was attended by local and foreign partners of the Company. All funds raised in the amount of more than 70 million soums were sent for heart surgery to children from needy families.
In order to implement the state strategy aimed at social support and protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population, GROSS INSURANCE and NEW LIFE INSURANCE prepared a charity event dedicated to Children's Day “Hurry to do good!”.
To this end, GROSS INSURANCE has developed BOLAJONIM insurance program, which allows you to take care of the financial security and stability of the family budget when treating the consequences of an accident or infectious diseases.
The benefits of BOLAJONIM insurance are obvious:
- Guarantee of safety of funds and financial security in case of injuries or illness of a child with infectious diseases;
- Coverage of 20 infectious diseases. Including from COVID 19;
- A guarantee of the timeliness of receiving insurance payments in an insured event;
- Affordable price. The cost of the insurance policy is 50 thousand sums.
As part of this campaign, 25% of the funds raised from the sale of BOLAJONIM insurance policies will be directed to charity for needy children. By purchasing this policy, you can not only protect your child from dangers, including COVID 19 diseases, but also make a charity contribution for children in need.
In particular, partners of the company such as the Center for Children with Disabilities Merly Qullar, LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company, Surhan Gas Chemical Operating Company LLC, ORIENT FINANS BANK and other organizations responded to the “Hurry to do good” campaign. LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company has expressed its intention to insure 6 orphanages in Kashkadarya, Bukhara, and Tashkent regions.
Also on the website there is a map showing the locations of orphanages and boarding schools throughout our republic with brief information about them.
Let us together broaden this interactive map with the coverage of all orphanages and boarding schools, which will allow everyone to find and lend a helping hand to them.
GROSS INSURANCE and NEW LIFE INSURANCE also urge their partners, citizens and other organizations to actively participate in a charity event.
Phone for information: 1166